Life-changing second opinion stories: “I decided to get a second and third opinion…”

Stories showing the importance of second opinions have been popping up in the media and on PatientsLikeMe. Check out the recent news headlines, hear a remarkable story of a PatientsLikeMe member who received a life-saving lung transplant after getting a second (and third) opinion, and share your own experience of piecing together your health puzzle.… Continue reading Life-changing second opinion stories: “I decided to get a second and third opinion…”

9 mental health podcasts worth listening to

Podcasts are an easy (and usually free) way to stay on top of what’s new across a wide variety of topics — they’re kind of like internet radio on demand, and usually broken up into episodes that you can download on your computer, device or phone. Below, we rounded up 9 podcasts focused on mental… Continue reading 9 mental health podcasts worth listening to

Lupus flares: Stats and infographics based on the PatientsLikeMe community’s experiences

Lupus flares are hard to define. In fact, there wasn’t a clear clinical definition of flares until 2010 (and even that definition is pretty broad). If you’re living with lupus, how would you define a flare? What do you experience during one? To gain a deeper understanding of flares from the patient perspective, the PatientsLikeMe research team… Continue reading Lupus flares: Stats and infographics based on the PatientsLikeMe community’s experiences

Weed 101: How and why patients use medical marijuana

Medical marijuana is a hot topic in the news (and here in the PatientsLikeMe community). So we took a closer look into what it is, how it works, and what members are saying about it. Take a look: Do you use medical marijuana? Head to PatientsLikeMe to join the conversation and share your experience.   Share this… Continue reading Weed 101: How and why patients use medical marijuana

Tips on how to find a Psychologist

So, you’re thinking about going to therapy — what are you supposed to do next? We got in touch with Registered Psychologist Sean Keating to ask his advice. Sean has been a practicing psychologist for six years, and currently works as an early psychosis clinician. He focuses on early intervention for young people between the… Continue reading Tips on how to find a Psychologist

How Many Kinds of Diabetes Are There? Lots. Explore Type 1, Type 2, LADA And More

Confused about the different types of diabetes? Never heard of other forms of diabetes beyond “1” and “2”? You’re not alone. As American Diabetes Month comes to a close, we’re shedding some light on this topic. Overall, more than 30 million Americans (9.4 percent of the U.S. population) have diabetes. Here’s a guide to help you and… Continue reading How Many Kinds of Diabetes Are There? Lots. Explore Type 1, Type 2, LADA And More

“What do you mean I can’t bring my service animal in?” Member Craig talks life with fibromyalgia and service dogs.

Craig Braquet (woofhound) is living with fibromyalgia and severe degenerative disc disease, the result of a multi-car accident in 1979. We first introduced Craig when he joined the 2015-2016 PatientsLikeMe Team of Advisors, but today we introduce his dogs, Luna, Oliver and Dakota (check out their cameo in Craig’s recent #MoreThan video). See what Craig has to… Continue reading “What do you mean I can’t bring my service animal in?” Member Craig talks life with fibromyalgia and service dogs.

Breaking the silence on incontinence

A guest blog by member Shannon   MS gives me a lot to write about, which is a wonderful coping mechanism when certain aspects of the disease are difficult to talk about. Initially, I wrote about stress and the heavy toll it’s played in my life, and on my body, in the last month. But, as often happens… Continue reading Breaking the silence on incontinence

Circadian rhythms and health: What’s the connection?

More than 3,600 PatientsLikeme members are living with insomnia, and 100+ report a circadian rhythm disorder. In October, three researchers won the Nobel Prize for their work examining the relationship between sleep, circadian rhythms and health. So with Daylight Saving Time just behind us, we’re bringing you more info about the “body clock” and how it can affect health.… Continue reading Circadian rhythms and health: What’s the connection?

Illustrating member perspectives on life with chronic illness

In medical terms, most health conditions have clear definitions. But only people living with chronic illness know what it really feels like to live with it — and making others understand can be a challenge. When we asked some PatientsLikeMe members to explain what life was like with their condition, their responses painted vivid pictures of what… Continue reading Illustrating member perspectives on life with chronic illness