Tailgate Delights: Low-Sodium Snacks to Enjoy on Game Day

What’s the Deal with Sodium and CKD? Sodium management is key when you have chronic kidney disease. This is due to the fact that sodium can influence how the kidneys function and blood pressure. Excessive amounts of sodium can make both kidney function and blood pressure worse. Therefore, following a low sodium diet with CKD… Continue reading Tailgate Delights: Low-Sodium Snacks to Enjoy on Game Day

Sleep and Mental Health: The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep for a Sound Mind  

We all know that when we don’t sleep for an extended period of time our physical health suffers. We feel groggy, lethargic, and have difficulty concentrating. But sleep deprivation is not just a detriment to our bodies. It also takes a huge toll on our minds. According to the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry, there… Continue reading Sleep and Mental Health: The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep for a Sound Mind  

Falling into Fitness: Embrace Autumn and Lower Your Cholesterol

As the heat of the summer months fades, and before we slip into layers of warm winter clothing, now is the time to enjoy what the crisp autumn air offers! There are a number of things one can do to stay active and get some fresh air. For those with high cholesterol, here is a… Continue reading Falling into Fitness: Embrace Autumn and Lower Your Cholesterol

Building Resilience: Finding Strength During the Mental Health Struggle 

What is Resilience?  Resilience is a critical part of navigating mental health challenges. According to the American Psychological Association, “Psychologists define resilience as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress—such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors.” But… Continue reading Building Resilience: Finding Strength During the Mental Health Struggle 

A Kidney-Friendly Guide to Enjoying Pasta with Chronic Kidney Disease

When it comes to pasta, there are endless options! Pasta bolognese, carbonara, marinara, pesto, penne, spaghetti…and so much more. But can pasta fit into a kidney-friendly diet? Yes, it can! However, there are a few things to keep in mind.  What Should You Know About Pasta? Pasta originates from Italy and is typically made from… Continue reading A Kidney-Friendly Guide to Enjoying Pasta with Chronic Kidney Disease

An Apple a Day: Can You Eat Apples with Chronic Kidney Disease?

It’s that time of year! Fall is just around the corner, and all things apple-flavored are coming back into season. Apple pie, cinnamon apples, apple cider donuts, apple crumble, caramel apples…the list goes on and on. Can you enjoy apples when you have Chronic Kidney Disease? Let’s take a look! All About Apples Did you… Continue reading An Apple a Day: Can You Eat Apples with Chronic Kidney Disease?

Snooze or Lose: The Crucial Connection Between Sleep and Blood Sugar

There are few things that can make you feel better than a good night’s sleep. Restful sleep improves mood, energy levels, and overall health. But did you know that fluctuations in your blood sugar can affect your sleep? What Does Blood Sugar Do to Your Body? To understand how this works, it helps to know… Continue reading Snooze or Lose: The Crucial Connection Between Sleep and Blood Sugar

The 2023 Healing Expression Art Show

Step inside the vibrant world of creativity in our virtual PatientsLikeMe Healing Expression Member Art Show! Explore captivating artworks and join us in celebrating the beauty of artistic expression. This summer, PatientsLikeMe members graciously shared their creative talents alongside their health journeys. Practices like art therapy, journaling, and other self-expression forms are integral companions to… Continue reading The 2023 Healing Expression Art Show

Coping With Chronic Stress: Management Techniques for Day-To-Day Life

According to the World Health Organization, chronic stress “can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation.” Although stress is a natural human response that most people experience, too much of it can lead to serious health conditions. Both the body and mind can be negatively impacted by… Continue reading Coping With Chronic Stress: Management Techniques for Day-To-Day Life

You Just Found Out You Have High Blood Pressure…Now What?

High blood pressure- also known as hypertension- is a medical condition that affects nearly half of all American adults. That’s right, 48.1% of Americans over 20 have a blood pressure that is considered too high! So, if you have just discovered that you are one of the many people with hypertension, you are not alone.… Continue reading You Just Found Out You Have High Blood Pressure…Now What?