Chris Hannah, founder of CHSG, talks cluster headaches, clinical trials and more

In the beginning of June, we posted about National Headache and Migraine Awareness Month, and today, we’re continuing the conversation with Chris Hannah, the founder of Cluster Headache Support Group (CHSG). He recently sat down for a PatientsLikeMe blog interview, and he spoke at length about everything related to cluster headaches. Below, read what he… Continue reading Chris Hannah, founder of CHSG, talks cluster headaches, clinical trials and more

Let’s talk about men’s health

On average, American men live sicker and die younger than American women. Men die at higher rates than women from the top 10 causes of death, and by the age of 100 women outnumber men eight to one1. Sometimes men just don’t talk about their health problems. Or they might not go to the doctor or for… Continue reading Let’s talk about men’s health

Migraine: More than just a headache

June is National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, but isn’t a migraine just a bad headache? Nope. People like Cindy McCain (wife of Senator John McCain) and 36 million Americans living with migraines will tell you otherwise. And this month, those 36 million are raising awareness and dispelling the stigma around migraines. Headaches can have… Continue reading Migraine: More than just a headache

Wrapping up Seeing [MS]: The invisible symptoms

Here’s a question we asked last year – how do you explain multiple sclerosis to those who don’t understand? And here are a few answers: “I’m burnt alive every day.” “A single bead of sweat can bring me to my knees.” “I can be struck down in just seconds.” Over the past year, we’ve been… Continue reading Wrapping up Seeing [MS]: The invisible symptoms

Arthritis Awareness 101

You may have heard that arthritis affects the joints, but did you know that it’s an umbrella term used to describe over 100 medical conditions and diseases (known as rheumatic diseases)?1 Conditions that fall underneath forms of “arthritis” include rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, and fibromyalgia. And the symptoms can vary depending on the type of arthritis and the person… Continue reading Arthritis Awareness 101

Seeing [MS]: The invisible symptoms – numbness

“When I woke up, my hands were gone.” That’s how Adriana Grasso described the numbness she experiences as part of her MS. It’s so severe that she doesn’t even know what it feels like to hold someone’s hand. As she says, “A simple thing that we take for granted – touch – it’s gone, and… Continue reading Seeing [MS]: The invisible symptoms – numbness

“In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Edward shares about living with schizoaffective disorder

Meet Edward, a member of the PatientsLikeMe mental health community. He’s been living with schizoaffective disorder since the late 1970s, and over the past 35 years, he’s experienced many symptoms, everything from paranoia and euphoria to insomnia and deep depression. Below, he uses his own words to take you on a journey through his life… Continue reading “In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Edward shares about living with schizoaffective disorder

Schizophrenia: Living well and working towards a cure

Today marks the start of Schizophrenia Awareness Week, and what better way to begin than with the story of an inspiring woman who is living with schizophrenia and advocating for better treatments. Dr. Elyn Saks was diagnosed with schizophrenia as a college student. At first she struggled with her diagnosis, and it took a while… Continue reading Schizophrenia: Living well and working towards a cure

Coming together for immunological and neurological health in May

If you follow PatientsLikeMe on social media, you might have seen a few “Pop Quiz Tuesday” posts. Today, here’s a special pop quiz – what do fibromyalgia, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) have in common? The answer is that they are classified as Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases (CINDs). And since 1992,… Continue reading Coming together for immunological and neurological health in May

PatientsLikeMeInMotion™ 2015: Celebrating 7 years of PatientsLikeMe members giving back to their communities and raising awareness

For those of you who don’t know, our PatientsLikeMeInMotion™ program has been running since 2009—how time flies! Join us in celebrating our 7th year with a recap of 2014, our biggest year so far! Last year, we had the honor of supporting 2192 members across 32 states that participated in a range of events and… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeInMotion™ 2015: Celebrating 7 years of PatientsLikeMe members giving back to their communities and raising awareness