Protecting your Heart Health with Chronic Kidney Disease

By: Kellsey Reed RDN, LDN, PatientsLikeMe Contributor  In honor of American Heart Month, it’s important to discuss the connection between heart health and chronic kidney disease. When managing CKD/chronic kidney disease, medications and lifestyle, and diet changes can help keep the kidneys protected. Another important topic to keep in mind is heart health. Heart health… Continue reading Protecting your Heart Health with Chronic Kidney Disease

Eating Right for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

By: Kellsey Reed RDN, LDN, PatientsLikeMe Contributor If you have CKD, chances are you have seen so much conflicting information online about what to eat with chronic kidney disease. From Google telling you that you can only eat white bread and grilled chicken to Facebook groups telling you oils are terrible for your kidneys. If… Continue reading Eating Right for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Why is dietary advice so all over the place? Nutrition experts explain

If you’re confused about what kind of milk to drink, what type of cooking oil is “healthiest” or whether the Mediterranean diet is the ticket to heart health, you’re not alone. Nutrition experts dig into the complexity of dietary research. Digesting dietary advice The constant churn of nutrition news, books and blog posts — combined… Continue reading Why is dietary advice so all over the place? Nutrition experts explain

The Magic Pill: A new 21-day podcast challenge

Exercise — do you think of it as a chore, or love the feeling? Our partners over at WBUR are launching a new podcast to inspire people to move more by changing the way we think about it. “A daily dose of get-up-and-go” is the mantra of the The Magic Pill, a 21-day challenge that kicks off… Continue reading The Magic Pill: A new 21-day podcast challenge