Working with a Chronic Condition: Your Rights and Options for Sharing with Your Employer and Taking Leave

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes Navigating Work with a Chronic Condition: Your Rights and Options Living with a chronic health condition can present unique challenges in the workplace. Many individuals find themselves struggling to balance their professional responsibilities with the unpredictable nature of their symptoms. If you’re in this situation, you’re not alone. In fact,… Continue reading Working with a Chronic Condition: Your Rights and Options for Sharing with Your Employer and Taking Leave

7 Ways to Feel Confident About Being Your Own Health Advocate

When you’ve been experiencing new symptoms or symptoms that have continued to get worse, going to the doctor can be nerve-racking. You may have even been a victim of medical gaslighting that is causing you to avoid going to the doctor. Or maybe you are scared of sharing such personal information about yourself with a… Continue reading 7 Ways to Feel Confident About Being Your Own Health Advocate

Is Your Doctor Gaslighting You?

You’ve noticed symptoms for a few weeks, maybe months or even since childhood. You visited doctor after doctor with no answer. Over time, the symptoms progress and may start to interfere with daily living. So you go to your doctor again, seeking some answers and solutions. But again, you don’t get a diagnosis or are… Continue reading Is Your Doctor Gaslighting You?

Advocacy 101: See our new guide!

Interested in getting into advocacy for your health condition community this year? Raising your voice to boost awareness about your condition or the reality of being a patient takes courage. Yet it’s pretty simple to get started with advocacy, so together with members of our Team of Advisors (a team of highly active members and… Continue reading Advocacy 101: See our new guide!

Defining “good” health care: 2 new studies reveal patient perspectives

Do you feel you’re getting the best possible care from your doctor? In two recent studies, PatientsLikeMe members answered this question and shared their perspectives on the health care they’re receiving. The results show that while patient opinions about care and provider performance vary according to condition, diverse patient groups agree on the top factors that define… Continue reading Defining “good” health care: 2 new studies reveal patient perspectives

“We are all connected”: Check out this new video starring the 2018 Team of Advisors

Have you had a chance to meet the 13 members selected to join the 2018 Team of Advisors? Get a glimpse of the dynamic group in this new 2-minute video, and keep an eye on the PatientsLikeMe newsfeed and Facebook page for their individual videos and stories. This group will be collaborating with us in the next year to offer… Continue reading “We are all connected”: Check out this new video starring the 2018 Team of Advisors

Life-changing second opinion stories: “I decided to get a second and third opinion…”

Stories showing the importance of second opinions have been popping up in the media and on PatientsLikeMe. Check out the recent news headlines, hear a remarkable story of a PatientsLikeMe member who received a life-saving lung transplant after getting a second (and third) opinion, and share your own experience of piecing together your health puzzle.… Continue reading Life-changing second opinion stories: “I decided to get a second and third opinion…”

Amplifying the patient voice on health care: Real people, real change

In 2017, patients like you participated in research, attended conferences and took action on important health care changes. Check out some of the ways the PatientsLikeMe community is raising a unified voice on health care. “Patients are a key piece to healthcare’s puzzle” Back in May, PatientsLikeMe, the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy and Arc… Continue reading Amplifying the patient voice on health care: Real people, real change

Creating communities, on and off PatientsLikeMe

More than half a million members, connecting 365 days a year, sharing countless health insights and words of support. Communities like this one are built on communication. And every day, patients like you are finding new ways to connect and enrich your community. From in-person meet-ups to live-streaming support groups and off topic threads, patients… Continue reading Creating communities, on and off PatientsLikeMe

“I promise not to look upon myself with the scornful eyes of my past” – PatientsLikeMe’s Becca shares her promise

Becca Getto is an Associate Product Manager at PatientsLikeMe, and is recovering from an eating disorder. During her time in Monte Nedo Laurel Hill treatment program, she wrote a poetic and moving promise to herself, and in it she shares her past struggles and hopes for the future. Becca is more than her condition: she’s… Continue reading “I promise not to look upon myself with the scornful eyes of my past” – PatientsLikeMe’s Becca shares her promise