7 Ways to Feel Confident About Being Your Own Health Advocate

When you’ve been experiencing new symptoms or symptoms that have continued to get worse, going to the doctor can be nerve-racking. You may have even been a victim of medical gaslighting that is causing you to avoid going to the doctor. Or maybe you are scared of sharing such personal information about yourself with a… Continue reading 7 Ways to Feel Confident About Being Your Own Health Advocate

Job Hunting While Living with a Disability or Chronic Illness

Estimate reading time: 4 minutes Navigating the Job Market with a Health Condition According to the CDC, 61 million adults (or 1 in 4 adults) in the United States live with a disability. In addition, chronic diseases affect approximately 133 million Americans, representing more than 40% of the total population of the United States. In fact,… Continue reading Job Hunting While Living with a Disability or Chronic Illness