What are the Best Over-The-Counter Medicines for Pain Relief? 

medicine for pain relief for nerve pain

Wondering what the best over-the-counter medicine for pain relief is? Instead of going to a doctor for a prescription, over-the-counter (OTC) medications are direct and rapid to access. They are also, by far, the most widely used method to treat health problems and pain. Please note that the effectiveness of these medications may vary from… Continue reading What are the Best Over-The-Counter Medicines for Pain Relief? 

The Importance of Mental Health Treatment for Black Men and Women 

Mental health treatment for black men and women has emerged as a pressing and long-neglected issue. Despite the progress made in the field of mental health, racial disparities persist. Black individuals continue to face unique challenges in accessing and receiving adequate care. Today, PatientsLikeMe delves into the importance of mental health treatment for Black men… Continue reading The Importance of Mental Health Treatment for Black Men and Women 

Going global for World MS Day

It’s World MS Day and this year we checked in with the global MS community to see how members around the world are living with MS. Here’s what they had to say:     “MS is very rare in India. I’m from North India, known as Kashmir, a very beautiful place and it’s rightly known as… Continue reading Going global for World MS Day

How does ALS make you feel #InThreeWords?

May is ALS awareness month and this year, we’re joining the ALS Therapy Development Institute to share how ALS makes us feel, #InThreeWords. Sad, determined, frustrating as hell – just a few of the words PatientsLikeMe staff chose. Want to get involved? Check out what PatientsLikeMe staff had to say, including a video from our… Continue reading How does ALS make you feel #InThreeWords?

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. Let’s learn more, together.

Brain injuries can happen to anyone, anywhere at any time. The important thing to know is that you’re not alone, which is the primary theme of Brain Injury Awareness Month organized by the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA). At least 2.5 million children and adults sustain traumatic brain injuries (TBI) in the U.S. each… Continue reading March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. Let’s learn more, together.

Going the distance for MS awareness

Meet Cheryl (CherylRunner), a marathoner living with MS. Since it’s MS Awareness Month, we sat down to chat with her about what she’s doing to raise awareness: running 7 marathons on 7 continents in a 12-month span. So far under her belt are South Africa, Argentina, Hawaii, Antarctica and Japan, and now she prepares to… Continue reading Going the distance for MS awareness

World Cancer Day – Voices from the community

Over the last year, we’ve shared many stories from the cancer community on the PatientsLikeMe blog. This year, in honor of World Cancer Day, we’d like to highlight some of those stories:   Member Iris (Imartinez), shared her story for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. Iris opened up about getting diagnosed at just 28 years old,… Continue reading World Cancer Day – Voices from the community

Thyroid Awareness Month

January is Thyroid Awareness Month. Why do we need awareness? An estimated 15 million Americans have undiagnosed thyroid problems. Women are five times more likely than men to suffer from hypothyroidism, which occurs when the gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone for the body to function properly. Who has HYPOthyroidism on PatientsLikeMe? 6,920 patients have… Continue reading Thyroid Awareness Month

Cancer Awareness in September: prostate, thyroid and ovarian

September is all about education — and not just because it’s back to school month. It’s also the official awareness month for three different types of cancer: prostate, thyroid and ovarian. Here’s a snapshot of what national organizations have done to spread more understanding…   Prostate cancer: #StepUp, get checked The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) has… Continue reading Cancer Awareness in September: prostate, thyroid and ovarian

The community speaks out for Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month

How much do you know about pulmonary fibrosis? Today kicks off Global PF Awareness Month, and to spread more understanding for this condition which affects over 6,600 PatientsLikeMe members, we asked the community to speak up. In a recent forum thread, members chimed in with the one thing they think people should know about what it’s… Continue reading The community speaks out for Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month