New Heart Health Tool: Assess Your Heart Health Today

When was the last time you thought about what your heart health will be like in the future? In January, the American Heart Association introduced HeartCheck, an online calculator aimed at predicting an individual’s likelihood of developing heart disease at the age of 30 – ten years younger than previous calculators! What is this tool,… Continue reading New Heart Health Tool: Assess Your Heart Health Today

Get Pumped for American Heart Month

You’ve all heard this fact before:  heart disease (including heart attacks and heart failure) is the leading cause of death among American men and women, claiming around 600,000 lives each year.  But what are you doing about it?  Are you and your family working on the controllable risk factors that play a role in this… Continue reading Get Pumped for American Heart Month

Building a True Picture of Diabetes During American Diabetes Month

November is American Diabetes Month, and this year, the American Diabetes Association is working to reshape the understanding of diabetes.  The goal is to raise awareness of the fact that diabetes is life-changing disease with a huge societal impact – and not a minor hindrance, as some people think. As part of this mission, the… Continue reading Building a True Picture of Diabetes During American Diabetes Month

Rediscovering Life’s Simple Pleasures: An Interview with a Heart Patient

Last week, we recognized World Heart Day on the blog and discussed why there is an urgent need for awareness about heart disease and stroke, the world’s number one killer.  We also talked about how heart disease can be an abstract concept until you are exposed to someone’s personal story. That’s why we are pleased… Continue reading Rediscovering Life’s Simple Pleasures: An Interview with a Heart Patient

World Heart Day: Taking Prevention to Heart

Did your heart beat a little faster this weekend?  This past Saturday was World Heart Day, sponsored by the World Heart Federation. Founded in 2000, this global event was created to educate the public about heart disease and stroke, the world’s leading cause of death, claiming 17.3 million lives each year.  What’s a major concern… Continue reading World Heart Day: Taking Prevention to Heart

How Heart Attack Warning Signs Differ in Women

A heart attack is unmistakable, right?  Not exactly.  And especially not if you’re a woman. We kicked off February by recognizing National Wear Red Day and sharing a hilarious video created by actress Elizabeth Banks for American Heart Month.  In the short piece, a harried working mother begins having strange symptoms one morning, including tightness… Continue reading How Heart Attack Warning Signs Differ in Women

Wear Red Tomorrow for Women’s Heart Health

Did you know that heart disease kills more women than all cancers combined?  And that it’s largely preventable? Now you do – and there’s something you can do about it.  Participate in National Wear Red Day® tomorrow, February 3, 2012.  Better yet, get your friends and co-workers to dig into their closets as well.  Together,… Continue reading Wear Red Tomorrow for Women’s Heart Health

Get Healthy for Good: An Interview with Catie Coman of the National Psoriasis Foundation

In August, we recognized Psoriasis Awareness Month on our blog and shared some facts and figures about this autoimmune disease, which affects 7.5 million Americans. One of the statistics we shared is that psoriasis often occurs in conjunction with other serious health conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, heart attack and obesity. What these conditions share is… Continue reading Get Healthy for Good: An Interview with Catie Coman of the National Psoriasis Foundation

Be of Good Heart Today

Today, September 29th, is World Heart Day. Sponsored by the World Heart Federation, this annual event was started in 2000 to raise awareness about heart disease and stroke, the world’s leading cause of death with more than 17.1 million lives lost each year. All around the globe, activities such as talks, screenings, walks, concerts and… Continue reading Be of Good Heart Today