How Your Information is Kept Safe When Using Telehealth

In today’s digital age, telehealth services offer a convenient way for patients to access healthcare remotely. However, many people are rightfully concerned about the privacy and security of their personal health information when using these online platforms. Certain services, like Optum Perks Online Care, go to great lengths to ensure that the people who visit… Continue reading How Your Information is Kept Safe When Using Telehealth

Bill Introduced to Legalize Marijuana

A group of 18 Democratic Senators reintroduced the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act. This bill is an attempt to legalize marijuana nationwide. Led by Senators Cory Booker, Chuck Schumer, and Ron Wyden, they aim to end the federal prohibition on cannabis while prioritizing safety, research, workers’ rights, and restorative justice. Key Points Legislative Effort The… Continue reading Bill Introduced to Legalize Marijuana

How to Help Someone With Depression

When a person has a mental disorder like major depressive disorder, and you are on the sidelines watching your loved one suffer, it can be difficult. People have a natural inclination to distract those suffering from feeling the symptoms of their disorder. This is not necessarily the best course of action. Though it may provide… Continue reading How to Help Someone With Depression

Back in Action: Effective Exercises to Ease Low Back Pain

Whether you are dealing with chronic discomfort or the occasional twinge, incorporating targeted exercises into your routine can make a world of difference. Let us break down a few simple exercises you can do to relieve back pain.  Exercise to Easy Lower Back Pain Knee-to-Chest Stretch  Begin by lying on your back with your knees… Continue reading Back in Action: Effective Exercises to Ease Low Back Pain

New Heart Health Tool: Assess Your Heart Health Today

When was the last time you thought about what your heart health will be like in the future? In January, the American Heart Association introduced HeartCheck, an online calculator aimed at predicting an individual’s likelihood of developing heart disease at the age of 30 – ten years younger than previous calculators! What is this tool,… Continue reading New Heart Health Tool: Assess Your Heart Health Today

A Focus on Potassium: Curbing the Rise of CKD

What is Potassium? Potassium is an electrolyte, meaning it carries an electric charge when dissolved in body fluids like blood. It is primarily found inside cells and is vital for maintaining proper cell function, nerve signaling, muscle contraction (including the heart muscle), and fluid balance within the body. Additionally, it helps regulate blood pressure, supports… Continue reading A Focus on Potassium: Curbing the Rise of CKD

What is Diabetic Neuropathy?

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD, MHA Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can be caused by having diabetes. High blood sugar or glucose levels can cause nerve damage throughout the body, specifically in the legs and feet. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Depending on the affected nerves, diabetic neuropathy… Continue reading What is Diabetic Neuropathy?

Insulin and Glucose: Understanding Key Players in Type 1 Diabetes 

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD, MHA According to the American Diabetes Association, Diabetes is “a problem with your body that causes blood glucose levels to rise higher than normal. This is also called hyperglycemia.” When we eat, our bodies break down foods into glucose (sugars) which get sent into the bloodstream. Insulin… Continue reading Insulin and Glucose: Understanding Key Players in Type 1 Diabetes 

Treating Type 1 Diabetes: A Patient Guide

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD, MHA So – you or a loved one has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D). There are several life changes that come with the condition! Understanding these will help you manage your health more effectively and keep your spirits high. Knowing is half the battle, and… Continue reading Treating Type 1 Diabetes: A Patient Guide

Understanding Type 1 Diabetes Risk Factors: Who is at Risk?

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD, MHA Diabetes is the 8th leading cause of death in the United States. About 38 million people have the condition, and experts estimate 1 in 5 do not know they have it. Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90-95% of all cases, but type 1 diabetes (T1D) is… Continue reading Understanding Type 1 Diabetes Risk Factors: Who is at Risk?