If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, you have probably been told just how important it is to have a healthy diet. In addition, losing just 10% of your body weight has been shown to make blood sugars easier to manage, and sometimes even leads to being able to decrease or even stop… Continue reading Is There One Best Diet for Type 2 Diabetes? Eating Right for Your Blood Sugar
Category: Cardiovascular Disease
Falling into Fitness: Embrace Autumn and Lower Your Cholesterol
As the heat of the summer months fades, and before we slip into layers of warm winter clothing, now is the time to enjoy what the crisp autumn air offers! There are a number of things one can do to stay active and get some fresh air. For those with high cholesterol, here is a… Continue reading Falling into Fitness: Embrace Autumn and Lower Your Cholesterol
You Just Found Out You Have High Blood Pressure…Now What?
High blood pressure- also known as hypertension- is a medical condition that affects nearly half of all American adults. That’s right, 48.1% of Americans over 20 have a blood pressure that is considered too high! So, if you have just discovered that you are one of the many people with hypertension, you are not alone.… Continue reading You Just Found Out You Have High Blood Pressure…Now What?
The Truth About Vitamins and Supplements for Heart Disease
Medically Reviewed and Written By: Kathleen O’Shea Northrup, MD Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States for both men and women. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were vitamins or supplements you could take to help prevent heart disease? The appeal of preventing heart disease by taking a pill or… Continue reading The Truth About Vitamins and Supplements for Heart Disease
What Does It Mean to Be Diagnosed With Prediabetes?
Medically Reviewed and Written By: Kathleen O’Shea Northrup, MD Most of us have some understanding of what it means to have diabetes- medication, blood sugar monitoring, careful food intake- but what about prediabetes? And what do I do if my doctor tells me I have it? What Does “prediabetic” Mean? If you have been told that… Continue reading What Does It Mean to Be Diagnosed With Prediabetes?
How to Spot a Stroke
Medically Reviewed and Written By: Kathleen O’Shea Northrup, MD Stroke is the number one cause of adult disability in the United States and the 5th leading cause of death. Because it affects the brain, sometimes people who are having a stroke don’t even realize that something is wrong. This makes it even more important to… Continue reading How to Spot a Stroke
Lp(a): Who Should Be Tested?
Medically Reviewed and Written By: Kathleen O’Shea Northrup, MD Lp(a) – pronounced L-p-little-a- is a type of lipoprotein that is associated with much higher risks of acute coronary and vascular disease. It is estimated that 20-30% of the population has an elevated level. Lp(a) can not only cause narrowing of the arteries but can also increase… Continue reading Lp(a): Who Should Be Tested?
Cholesterol 101: What is LP(a)?
Medically Reviewed and Written By: Kathleen O’Shea Northrup, MD Lowering your cholesterol is a well-known way to decrease your risk of heart attack or stroke. You’ve likely heard of “good” cholesterol (HDL) and “bad” cholesterol (LDL), but what about Lipoprotein(a)? Lp(a), as it is more commonly known, has been the subject of increasing research in recent… Continue reading Cholesterol 101: What is LP(a)?
5 Ways to Protect Your Heart
Did you know heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States? In 2020, 690,882 deaths were attributed to heart disease, a 4.8% increase from 2019, ranking as the largest increase in heart disease deaths since 2012. Heart disease is a broad term that refers to several types of heart conditions, from… Continue reading 5 Ways to Protect Your Heart